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Host Policy

Is your company, organization, team, club or group interested
in hosting a fundraising or supply drive to benefit Erie UpLink?  Please be sure to follow these guidelines when planning and organizing your event.

Thank you for hosting an event to benefit Erie UpLink. As a non-profit organization that is 100% volunteer-run and supported by the Erie community, when we say that we could not exist without you, we mean that sincerely.  Serving together to care for one another is our mission, and we strive to plan events that unite our community, further our mission, and demonstrate care for those we serve.

As an Erie UpLink fundraising event or supply drive Host, we ask that you adhere to the following:

1. CONFIRM DETAILS:  As you plan your event, confirm with us at the dates you will begin and end your drive and what specifically you will be collecting (gift cards, financial donations, food, socks, etc). Erie is so generous and we want to make sure we do not over-ask or overlap with events other businesses or nonprofits are hosting. We will post your event details on our website calendar and Facebook.


2. ADVERTISING:  Prior to using the Erie UpLink name, logo, or mission statement on any posters, social media posts, flyers, etc, please submit those documents to so that we can work together to ensure all communication is consistent. We have excellent Visual Communications and Community Connections Directors who can help you with branding your event, advertising, QR codes, loan you posters, etc.


3. COLLECTING FUNDS:  If money is collected, please communicate with us to specify what collected funds can be used for (our general fund, food, a specific event), how funds are collected such as by check or through our PayPal, and how donations will be tracked.


4. THANKING DONORS:  Acknowledging supporters for their contributions is important.  Work with us to articulate a plan for how donors will be acknowledged- will your organization post something in your newsletter or social media, do donors need a tax receipt, will you or will Erie Uplink send thank you notes or emails…?


5. NON-POLITICAL: One of Erie UpLink‘s core values is to enhance connectedness throughout the Erie community. We cannot be affiliated with any political cause or activity, no matter how worthy. Examples might include hosting a drive for us at the same time you are fundraising for a political cause or candidate, or using our logo on a social media post that advocates for a political stance.


We are excited to partner with you to connect folks with opportunities to serve one another!


Crowd Cheering
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